Surveys Collected: In our latest survey update, we're delighted to report that we've amassed over 270 surveys, showcasing the exceptional community engagement and participation.
New Table Time at Red Apple: Our commitment to connecting with the community led us to adjust our table hours at the Red Apple. We've shifted our time from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM to 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM. This change has allowed us to engage more effectively with our community members, resulting in a productive two hours that yielded 21 surveys and invaluable insights.
More Access Points for Surveys: If you haven't had the chance to take part in the survey yet, we've expanded our options for your convenience. Keep an eye out for our tabling sessions hosted at City Hall, providing you with a direct opportunity to engage with our team. Furthermore, surveys are now conveniently available at the Sultan library, making completion easier than ever. Additionally, we're present at the VOA lunch and Coffee with the city every Thursday, starting from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. You can also find us at the farmers' market, where completing a survey earns you a card punch. Feel free to drop by, say hello, and chat with us!
Thanks to everyone who has submitted a response so far. If you haven’t taken the survey yet, we want to hear from you too! Please spend 2 minutes sharing your thoughts about the future of Sultan by following this [link].
Expanding Our Reach: Our commitment to community involvement doesn't stop here. Starting next week, we'll be hitting the streets of Sultan, going door to door to engage with our community members directly. Our aim is to encourage them to share their thoughts through the survey, so we can gather comprehensive feedback.
We're immensely grateful for the enthusiasm and involvement shown by each of you. As we venture forward, we promise to keep you in the loop with more updates, photos, and stories from our various events. Together, we're shaping a brighter future for Sultan – a place where we live, work, and play harmoniously. Remember, your voice is our guiding light, and we're here, eager to listen. Stay tuned, stay engaged, and let's make Sultan an even more exceptional place to call home.